Archive for May, 2009

State of the Blog: A Long Overdue Update

Posted in Blog with tags , , , , on May 10, 2009 by thepoliticalgentleman

Wow Spring Semester 09 essentially over (barring some final papers and exams) and thank god.  This is the first time in a long time that I that I was busy beyond belief during the school year and obviously that sowed in the amount of posts to the site.  Sorry about that but as My mother would like to me say (BTW Happy Mothers Day) school comes first.

Anyways expect normal posting to start up again some time soon.  I cannot make promises since I have the LSAT’s coming soon but posting should go back to normal any day now.

Again as always,  The Political Gentleman is looking for writers so if you are interested on commenting and reporting on LI Politics email me.

Thanks for reading
